Appropriations Committee
February 26, 1997-8:00A  

Adjutant General's Dept.
   On:      Goodwin, Colonel Willia (National Guard)
            James, General Daniel (National Guard)

Armory Board, National Guard
   On:      Cruz, Lydia (Armory Board)
            Huff, Michael (Armory Board)

Health, Department
   On:      Deviney, Lee (TX Public Finance)
            Maddox, Charles (TX.Department of Health)
            McKinney, Mike (HHSC)
            Porras, Judith (TX Public Finance)
            Simpson, Scott (TX.Department of Health)
            Stabeno, Debra (TX.Department of Health)
            Triplett-Hurt, Betsy (TX.Department of Health)

Higher Education Coordinating Board
   On:      Ashworth, Kenneth (Higher Ed.Coordinating)

Polygraph Examiners Board
   On:      Ditucci, Frank (Polygraph Examiners)

Protective and Regulatory Services
   On:      Baldwin, Howard (Protective and Reg.)
            Bradley, John (Protective and Reg.)
            Duhart, Michelle (Community Youth Develop)
            Hine, Jim (Protective and Reg.)
            Thigpen, Drew (Protective and Reg.)

University of Texas System:Admin.
   On:      Pace, J.B. (Univ.TX System:Admin)