Appropriations Committee
February 17, 1997-8:00A  

Agriculture, Department of
   On:      Soward, Larry (Dept. of Agriculture)

Animal Health Commission
   On:      Beals, Terry (TACH)
            Gonzalez, Victor (Animal Health)

Commerce, Texas Department of
   On:      Arnett, Brenda (TX. Department of Comm.)

General Land Office and Veteran's L
   On:      Frank, Jeff (General Land Office)

Lottery Commission
   On:      Kiplin, Kimberly (TX. Lottery Commission)
            Miers, Harriet (TX. Lottery Commission)
            Porter, Karen (TX. Lottery Commission)
            Rinn, James (TX. Lottery Commission)
            Sadberry, Anthony (TX. Lottery Commission)

Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposa
   On:      Jacobi, Rick (TX Low Level Radioactiv)

Natural Resource Conservation Commi
   On:      Hibbs, Minor (TNRCC)
            Hit, Tom (TNRCC)
            Pearson, Dan (TNRCC)

Parks and Wildlife Department
   On:      Sansom, Andrew (TX. Parks and Wildlife)

Railroad Commission of Texas
   On:      Matthews, Charles (Railroad Commission)

River Compact Commissions
   On:      Newton, Brad (Pecos River Compact)

State Soil and Water Conservation
   On:      Buckley, Robert (TX.State Soil and Water)

Transportation, Texas Department of
   On:      Bersen, David (TX. Transportation Comm)
            Burnett, William (TX. Dept. of Trans.)
            Wynne, Anne (TX. Transportation Comm)

Water Development Board
   On:      Peelevson, Craig (Water Development)