NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Nominations

TIME & DATE:  2:00PM, Monday, May 5, 1997

PLACE: E1.016

CHAIR: Senator Frank Madla



Texas Cosmetology Commission

Brian P. King                 Appointed 02-21-96 for a      Lindsay
Harris County                 term to expire 12-31-01

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission

Allan Shivers, Jr.            Appointed 12-20-95 for a      Barrientos
Travis County                 term to expire 11-15-01

Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Rolland C. Allen              Appointed 04-21-97 for a      Truan
Nueces County                 term to expire 02-01-99

Beverly Barron                Appointed 04-21-97 for a      Duncan
Ector County                  term to expire 02-01-99

Hector Delgado                Appointed 02-16-96 for a      Shapleigh
El Paso County                term to expire 02-01-97

Dorothy Grasty                Appointed 02-16-96 for a      Harris
Tarrant County                term to expire 02-01-97

Dr. Norwood Knight-Richardson Appointed 02-16-96 for a      Patterson
Galveston County              term to expire 02-01-97

James C. Oberwetter           Appointed 02-16-96 for a      Carona
Dallas County                 term to expire 02-01-97


Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board

Maria Almanza                 Appointed 10-23-95 for a      Shapleigh
El Paso County                term to expire 01-31-96
                              Reappointed 05-13-96 for a
                              term to expire 01-31-98

Ben E. Barnett                Appointed 10-23-95 for a      Carona
Dallas County                 term to expire 01-31-96
                              Reappointed 05-13-96 for a
                              term to expire 01-31-98

Leonel Garza, Jr.             Appointed 10-23-95 for a      Lucio
Hidalgo County                term to expire 01-31-97
                              Reappointed 04-23-97 for a
                              term to expire 01-31-99

Vidal Gonzalez                Appointed 10-23-95 for a      Madla
Val Verde County              term to expire 01-31-97

Jacqueline G. Humphrey, CPA   Appointed 05-13-96 for a      Bivins
Potter County                 term to expire 01-31-98

Eduardo A. Lopez              Appointed 04-23-97 for a      Truan
Nueces County                 term to expire 01-31-99

A.E. Nelson, Jr.              Reappointed 10-23-95 for a    Haywood
Taylor County                 term to expire 01-31-97

Debra S. Runyan               Appointed 10-23-95 for a      Wentworth
Bexar County                  term to expire 01-31-96
                              Reappointed 05-17-96 for a
                              term to expire 01-31-98

Robert A. Seale, Jr.          Appointed 04-23-97 for a      Brown
Harris County                 term to expire 01-31-99

James M. Synatzske            Appointed 04-23-97 for a      Sibley
Erath County                  term to expire 01-31-99

Cecil W. Wimberly             Appointed 10-23-95 for a      Sibley
Bosque County                 term to expire 01-31-97

Texas Diabetes Council

Maria C. Alen, M.D.           Appointed 07-27-95 for a      Lucio
Hidalgo County                term to expire 02-01-01

Gene Bell, R.N.               Appointed 10-07-96 for a      Duncan
Lubbock County                term to expire 02-01-00

Victor H. Gonzalez, M.D.      Appointed 10-07-96 for a      Lucio
Hidalgo County                term to expire 02-01-00

Judith L. Haley               Appointed 10-07-96 for a      Lindsay
Harris County                 term to expire 02-01-00

Lawrence B. Harkless, DPM     Appointed 07-27-95 for a      Wentworth
Bexar County                  term to expire 02-01-01

Richard S. Hayley             Appointed 10-07-96 for a      Truan
Nueces County                 term to expire 02-01-02

Thomas R. McCann              Appointed 04-21-97 for a      Ratliff
Titus County                  term to expire 02-01-01

Cheryl J. Porter              Appointed 07-27-95 for a      Bivins
Midland County                term to expire 02-01-01

Philip L. Ricks, II           Appointed 07-27-95 for a      Wentworth
Bexar County                  term to expire 02-01-01

Texas State Board of Public Accountancy

April L. Eyeington            Appointed 05-22-96 for a      Ogden
Brazos County                 term to expire 01-31-99

Gwen B. Gilbert               Appointed 04-24-97 for a      Shapiro
Dallas County                 term to expire 01-31-03

Rebecca B. Junker             Appointed 04-24-97 for a      Brown
Fort Bend County              term to expire 01-31-03

Reagan S. McCoy               Appointed 04-24-97 for a      Wentworth
Bexar County                  term to expire 01-31-03

Lou Miller                    Appointed 05-30-95 for a      Luna
Bexar County                  term to expire 01-31-01

Janet F. Parnell              Appointed 06-30-95 for a      Bivins
Hemphill County               term to expire 01-31-01

Edward L. Summers             Appointed 04-28-97 for a      Barrientos
Travis County                 term to expire 01-31-03

Barbara J. Thomas             Appointed 04-24-97 for a      Lindsay
Harris County                 term to expire 01-31-03


Texas Commission for the Blind

James L. Caldwell, Ph.D.      Reappointed 08-09-95 for a    Barrientos
Travis County                 term to expire 02-01-01

C. Robert Keeney, Jr.         Appointed 08-09-95 for a      Lindsay
Harris County                 term to expire 02-01-01

W. Frank Mullican, Jr.        Appointed 08-09-95 for a      Duncan
Lubbock County                term to expire 02-01-01

Don W. Oates                  Appointed 02-11-97 for a      Nixon
Nacogdoches County            term to expire 02-01-03

Beverley A. Stiles            Appointed 02-11-97 for a      Zaffirini
Duval County                  term to expire 02-01-03

John M. Turner                Reappointed 02-11-97 for a    Shapiro
Dallas County                 term to expire 02-01-03
