HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Human Services

TIME & DATE: 10:30AM or on adjournment,
             Monday, February 24, 1997

PLACE: E2.012

CHAIR: Rep. Harvey Hilderbran

To meet to consider the following:

HB 595            Cuellar / et al.
Relating to development of a statewide consumer guide for senior

HB 755            Maxey / et al.
Relating to certain administrative penalties assessed against
nursing homes and similar institutions.

HB 987            Maxey
Relating to the development of a quality-based system of
reimbursing nursing facilities under the state Medicaid program.

HB 663            Maxey / et al.
Relating to the assessment of needs of individuals served by
long-term care services programs offered by health and human
services agencies.

HB 460            Maxey / et al.
Relating to federal waivers or authorizations relating to certain
federally funded long-term care Medicaid programs.

HB 606            Zbranek
Relating to access to nursing facilities in rural counties.



HB 595
HB 755
HB 987
HB 663
HB 460
HB 606