HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Criminal Jurisprudence

TIME & DATE:  2:00PM, Wednesday, March 26, 1997

PLACE: E1.014

CHAIR: Rep. Allen Place


HB 43            McCall
Relating to the impoundment of the motor vehicles of certain
persons convicted of the offense of driving without a driver's
license or while a driver's license is suspended or revoked.

HB 89            Talton / et al.
Relating to the applicability of habitual offender punishment
provisions to certain defendants convicted of state jail felonies.

HB 136            West, George "Buddy"
Relating to prosecution of the offense of tampering with or
fabricating physical evidence.

HB 195            Turner, Bob
Relating to the punishment of theft committed against elderly

HB 237            Goolsby / et al.
Relating to the creation of an offense for failing to return public
library property.

HB 441            Wise / et al.
Relating to the prosecution of and punishment for an offense in
which a controlled substance is used to facilitate the commission
of the offense.

HB 476            Craddick
Relating to the discretion of a judge to order execution of
sentence for certain defendants convicted of state jail felonies.

HB 519            Elkins
Relating to a jury's role in criminal and certain civil cases.

HB 521            Galloway, Carolyn
Relating to the punishment for the offense of burglary of a

HB 573            Keel, Terry
Relating to the admissibility of certain evidence in a criminal

HB 747            Wise
Relating to the distributing of a portion  of the proceeds of criminal
asset forfeiture to programs designed to prevent youthful drug abuse.

HB 919            Jones, Jesse / et al.
Relating to the punishment for the offense of transferring certain
weapons to a minor.

HB 969            Hartnett
Relating to costs on conviction to fund courthouse and municipal
court building security.

HB 1011            Wolens
Relating to the punishment for certain defendants convicted of
assaultive offenses, including sexual assault, and for certain
offenses committed with intent to commit assaults.

HB 1073            Torres
Relating to the offense of making a false report to a peace officer
or to an employee of a law enforcement agency.

HB 1096            Swinford
Relating to using closed circuit television to enter a plea or
waive a right in a criminal case.

HB 1259            Thompson
Relating to the prosecution of and the punishment for the offense
of interference with child custody.

HB 1370            Garcia
Relating to the punishment for the offense of criminal mischief.

HB 1553            Yarbrough
Relating to court costs assessed for certain offenses to provide
funding for child safety programs.

HB 1587            Wise
Relating to the use of visual aids in the prosecution of certain
offenses committed against or witnessed by a child.

HB 1689            Talton
Relating to the invocation of the rule in a criminal trial.

HB 1747            Place
Relating to procedures to deal with an individual who is in the
criminal justice system and who has a mental illness or is a person
with mental retardation.

HB 1968            Garcia
Relating to punishing as contempt the violation of a condition of a
peace bond.

HB 1994            Wise
Relating to the payment of certain costs incurred in the
investigation of criminal or injurious conduct.

HB 2442            Galloway, Carolyn
Relating to the prosecution of and the penalty for the offense of
tampering with identification numbers.

HB 2592            Tillery
Relating to judicial proceedings involving the disposition of
allegedly stolen property.

SB 46            Shapiro
Relating to the punishment for certain defendants convicted of
assaultive offenses, including sexual assault, and for certain
offenses committed with intent to commit assaults.

SB 160            Brown
Relating to prosecution of the offense of tampering with or
fabricating physical evidence; creating an offense.

SB 182            Shapiro
Relating to costs on conviction to fund courthouse and municipal
court building security.

SB 329            Brown
Relating to the offense of making a false report to a peace officer
or to an employee of a law enforcement agency.



HB 1747
SB 46
SB 182
SB 329