NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING

COMMITTEE: Corrections

TIME & DATE:  2:00PM or upon adjournment,
             Wednesday, April 30, 1997

PLACE: E1.010

CHAIR: Rep. Allen Hightower

To consider the following:

HB 88            Talton
Relating to the eligibility for release on parole of certain
dangerous offenders.

HB 405            West, George "Buddy"
Relating to restricting certain recreational amenities available to
inmates imprisoned in the institutional division of the Texas
Department of Criminal Justice.

HB 780            Tillery
Relating to the eligibility for release on parole of a prisoner serving a
sentence for the murder of an individual under the age of 17 years.

HB 2450            Hirschi
Relating to authorizing the Texas Department of Criminal Justice
and the Texas Department of Human Services to create a pilot
program to administer to special needs offenders paroled from the
institutional division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

HB 2972            Madden
Relating to requiring as a condition of release on parole or
mandatory supervision that a prisoner demonstrate a certain level
of educational skill.

HB 3101            Jones, Jesse
Relating to reimbursement of the Texas Department of Human Services
from an inmate's trust fund.

SB 663            Whitmire
Relating to the authority of a judge to place a defendant convicted
of a state jail felony on community supervision, to the supervision
of those defendants, and to the facilities in which those
defendants may be confined.
