Wednesday, March 4, 1998 
                                     2:00 pm 
                         Tyler Rose Center, Tyler Texas 
         Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule  
         11.11, a public hearing of the Senate Interim Committee on  
         Transportation was held on Wednesday, March 4, 1998 in Tyler  
         Rose Center, Tyler Texas.   
         MEMBERS PRESENT:                        MEMBERS ABSENT: 
         Senator Kenneth Armbrister              Senator Troy Fraser 
         Senator David Cain                      Senator Mario  
         Gallegos, Jr. 
         Senator Drew Nixon                      Senator Bill Ratliff 
         Senator Carlos Truan 
         The Chair called the meeting to order at 2:15 pm.  There being  
         a quorum present, the following business was transacted.   
         The following members arrived after the roll was called:   
         The Chair recognized Senator Cain for welcoming remarks,  
         following were welcoming remarks from Senator Nixon.  
         The Chair reviewed the committee's charges.  
         The Chair recognized the Honorable Kevin Eltife, Mayor of  
         Tyler to welcome the members of the committee as well as  
         testifying on transportation needs of the citizens of Tyler.  
         The Chair recognized  the Honorable Andrew R. Melontree, Smith  
         County Commissioner.  Mr. Melontree submitted written  
         testimony and addressed the committee regarding the  
         maintenance of roads and bridges due to increased traffic  
         The Chair recognized State Representative Ted Kamel to testify  
         regarding the development of the Loop 49 project.   
         The Chair recognized the Honorable Bobby McClenny, Mayor for  
         the City of Lindale.   Mr.  McClenny testified on the Loop 49  
         project as well as endorsing Commissioner Nichols trunk system  
         The Chair recognized the Honorable Celia Boswell, Mayor for  
         the City of Mineola.  Ms. Boswell testified on the need for  
         overpasses in particular areas which have railroad crossings.   
         These overpasses are needed to alleviate the traffic jams and  
         to better allow emergency vehicles the right of way during  
         certain situations.   
         The Chair recognized Judge Mitch Shamburger, Justice of the  
         Peace for the City of Winona.  Judge Shamburger testified  
         before the committee on his concern for the speed limit on  
         highways with the suggestion of adding additional signs along  
         the highway with posted speed limits for different types of  
         The Chair recognized Mr. Fred Carl with the Tyler Chamber of  
         Commerce.  Mr. Carl testified  on the need for increased  
         highway funding, air quality with improved trunk systems as  
         well as the ability to improve corridor systems and completion  
         of these projects.  
         Senator Armbrister asked Mr. Carl if the Tyler Chamber of  
         Commerce supported an increase in the state motor fuels tax.   
         Mr. Carl could not speak on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce.  
         The Chair recognized Mr. Thomas G. Mullins, President and CEO  
         for the Tyler Chamber of Commerce and the Tyler Economic  
         Development Council.  In response to Senator Armbrister's   
         question Mr. Mullins stated that in the past, the Chamber of  
         Commerce has supported raising the state motor fuels tax.  
         The Chair recognized Ms. Carolyn Flores, 9-1-1 Coordinator for  
         the East Texas Council of Government.  Ms. Flores testified  
         regarding the need for a crossed reference mapping system for  
         local EMS response to railroad accidents.  Questions and  
         comments  from the members followed.  
         The Chair recognized Mr. Jerry L. Martin, Director of the Rail  
         Division for the Texas Railroad Commission.  Mr. Martin gave a  
         history of the railroad commissions position on the Union  
         Pacific and Southern Pacific (UP/SP) merger. Mr. Martin also  
         responded to the EMS issues brought to the committee's   
         attention by Ms. Flores.  
         The Chair recognized Mr. Paul Lockhart, a retired highway  
         engineer from Tyler.  Mr. Lockhart made suggestions on how to  
         enhance current capacity  on roadways as opposed to building  
         new roads. 
         The Chair recognized Mr. Lyle Nelson, from the Brazos Transit  
         District / Texas Transit Association.  Mr. Nelson expressed  
         his wishes for equal concern for more rural transit needs as  
         opposed to only the seven communities which have Metropolitan  
         Transit Associations (MTAs). 
         The Chair recognized Mr. Jeff Tuley who testified on behalf of  
         the Northeast Texas and Southeast Texas Nursery Growers  
         Associations.  Mr Tuley expressed concern over a proposal  
         whereby a tree growing operation will be developed at Texas  
         prison sites to supply trees for use on "public land" which  
         will supply trees to a number of state agencies in particular  
         the Texas Department of Transportation.   
         The Chair recognized Mr. Charles Breedlove.  Mr. Breedlove  
         testified before the committee on the usage of tax dollars on  
         rest stops.  He believes rest stops in Texas are too  
         The Chair recognized the Honorable Cary Hilliard, Commissioner  
         for Van Zandt County.  Mr. Hilliard testified before the  
         committee on county road funding and current and proposed  
         speed limit.  
         The Chair recognized the Honorable Jeff R. Warr, Mayor Pro Tem  
         of the City of Tyler, who supported previous testimony.      
         The Chair recognized Mr. Larry Badon, Director of  
         Transportation for the Tyler MPO.   Mr. Badon testified before  
         the committee on the Loop 49 project currently in Tyler.  
         The Chair recognized Mr. Barham Fulner who testified on behalf  
         of the Lindale Economic Development Corporation.  Mr. Fulner  
         testified on  highway development in the city of Lindale.  
         The Chair recognized the Honorable J. Ray Rucker,  Mayor for  
         the City of Grand Saline, who thanked the committee for their  
         efforts and for visiting the area.   
         The Chair recognized Mr, Rohn Boone, Chairman for the Tyler  
         Area Chamber of Commerce.  Mr. Boone's testimony focused on  
         the need for continued improvement on highways.  
         The Chair recognized Ms. Sharon Emmert, County Commissioner  
         for Smith County, who offered welcoming remarks..  
         The Chair recognized the Honorable Gary Hays, Justice of the  
         Peace.  Judge Hays testimony focused on farm-to-market roads,  
         current and proposed speed limits, and the need to improve  
         shoulders on roads. 
         The Chair recognized Mr. Kevin Tyer with the City of Tyler.   
         Mr Tyer's testified before the committee on the Tyler Transit  
         The Chair recognized Mr. Mark W. Sweeney, Director of   
         Regional Development for the East Texas Council of  
         Governments.  Mr. Sweeney's testimony focused on  
         transportation needs for the citizens of East Texas.  
         The Chair recognized Mr. Robert Nichols, Commissioner, Texas  
         Department of Transportation.  The Department had no formal  
         presentation.  Mr. Nichols only responded to questions and  
         comments from the members of the committee.  
         There being no further witness, at 5:15 pm, the Chair moved  
         the committee stand recess, subject to the call of the Chair.   
         Senator Ken Armbrister, Chair  
         Committee Clerk