INTERIM COMMITTEE ON HOUSING 
                           Wednesday, August 26, 1998 
                                    10:00 am 
                         Capitol Extension, Room E1.028 
         Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule  
         11.11, a public hearing of the Interim Committee on Housing  
         was held on Wednesday, August 26, 1998 in the Capitol  
         Extension, Room E1.028, at Austin, Texas.   
         MEMBERS PRESENT:                        MEMBERS ABSENT: 
         Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr.                Senator Rodney Ellis 
         Senator Florence Shapiro                Senator Jeff Wentworth 
         Senator Carlos Truan 
         The Chair called the meeting to order at 10:10 am.  
         The following members arrived after the roll was called:   
         The following business was transacted: 
         Chairman Lucio opened the meeting by commenting on the issues  
         of affordable housing. 
         Senator Shapiro and Senator Truan gave comments regarding the  
         interim charge. 
         A discussion of the report followed. 
         Recommendation #2, Charge #1 
              Chairman Lucio read the letter from Senator Wentworth  
              regarding his objection to recommendation #2 under charge  
              Chairman Lucio recognized Daniel Esparza, Lori Flores,  
              and Buddy Garcia to sit as a staff panel to answer  
              Senator Shapiro suggested that the recommendation be  
              moved to fit under the supplemental charge. 
              Senator Truan suggested the language in recommendation #2  
              under charge #1 change to read: "The Legislature should  
              consider directing TDHCA to devise a strategy..." 
              Discussion on Senator Truan's change and Senator  
              Shapiro's change. 
              No objection, so ordered by Chairman Lucio. 
         Recommendation #3 and #4 , Charge #1 
              Senator Shapiro questioned recommendation #3 under charge  
              Senator Shapiro questioned recommendation #4 under charge  
              Senator Truan suggested to change the language in  
              recommendation #4 to read: "The legislature should  
              consider allowing counties and municipalities to enter  
              into interlocal agreements for the efficient and  
              effective enforcement of model subdivision rules in those  
              counties where rules are in existence."   
              No objection, so ordered by Chairman Lucio. 
         Recommendation #5, Charge #1 
              Senator Truan suggested to change the language in  
              recommendation #5 to read: "The legislature should  
              consider directing the TDHCA to develop model lease  
              provisions on manufactured housing to protect residents  
              and prohibit unfair practices. 
              No objection, so ordered by Chairman Lucio. 
         Recommendation #6, Charge #1 
              Senator Truan suggested changing the language in  
              recommendation #6 to read: "The legislature should  
              consider the development of a uniform "standard or  
              guage" to more accurately define moderate, low, and very  
              low income Texans for the purposes of program eligibility  
              and the reestablishment of funding levels statewide. 
              No objection, so ordered by Chairman Lucio. 
         Recommendation #1, Charge #2 
              Senator Truan suggested to add language to read "The  
              legislature should consider directing that TDHCA should  
              No objection, so ordered by Chairman Lucio. 
         Recommendation #2, Charge #2    
              Senator Truan suggested to add  "The legislature should  
              consider directing TDHCA to improve controls over the  
              process used to award..." 
              No objection, so ordered by Chairman Lucio. 
         Recommendation #4, Charge #2 
              Senator Truan suggested to add "The Legislature should  
              consider directing TDHCA to continue to increase dialogue  
              and project participation with representatives of Texas  
              with special needs..." 
              No objection, so ordered by Chairman Lucio. 
         Supplemental Charge, Charge #3 
              Senator Truan added an additional recommendation under  
              supplemental charge to read: "The State Legislature  
              should consider directing the TDHCA to prepare an impact  
              assessment of federal devolution of Housing programs  
              currently in place in Texas." 
              No objection, so ordered by Chairman Lucio. 
         Recommendation #1, Charge #1 
              Senator Shapiro discussed the language to change on   
         recommendation #1, charge #1. 
              Chairman Lucio suggested the language stay the same. 
              No objection, so ordered by Chairman Lucio. 
         Chairman Lucio directed the staff to make appropriate changes  
         to the report. 
         Senator Truan moved that the committee accept the committee  
         Senator Shapiro 2nds the motion. 
         Motion carried with 3 ayes (Lucio, Shapiro, Truan), 2 absent  
         (Ellis, Wentworth).  
         There being no further business, at 10:52 am Senator Truan  
         moved that the Committee stand recessed subject to the call of  
         the Chair.  Without objection, it was so ordered.   
         Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr., Chair 
         Buddy Garcia, Clerk